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  High-Tech Laser Line Program Considered for Linduska Field

A new company specializing in creating virtually perfect, straight painted lines has contacted JSPC schools, inquiring whether or not they may be interested in using this new technology at Linduska Field, as well as other local sports venues. Jeffersoniowanews has learned that they have offered to make Jefferson a "poster" sight, installing these lines at almost no cost, in exchange for publicity photos.

This new technology allows any able-bodied person to draw perfectly straight yard lines, out-of-bounds lines, and any other necessary lines on any surface. It can be adapted to draw right angles, arcs, and other figures.
Professional sports programs almost all currently use this system, in which a laser is shot downfield at a distance, and can easily be followed by guiding the device directly over it (photo at left).

This takes the guess work out of yardage measurements, and ensures that teams play by the same standards, whether at home or on the road.

Unfortunately, school officials have not exactly warmed up to the idea. One unnamed football coach explained that he felt that this high degree of accuracy was unnecessary, as at Linduska Field the yard lines are meant to be only "an approximation" of where the ball is. "You might have a first down or not, depending on which side of the field the ball is spotted. That has always worked for us in the past."

Long-time school board employee Cletus Klepshack, who has been drawing these yard lines for more than 60 years, agreed. "It is very difficult to get these lines straight because this field is only mowed monthly, by me. My eyesight may not be what it used to be, but I can tell when a line is straight."

Cletus was first employed by the Jefferson Community school district shortly after World War II. Prior to that, he had been with the state highway department, where his job was to paint lines down the center of newly-paved highways. He was terminated from that job when it was discovered that he apparently lacked the skill required by the state government to ensure that all of his lines were placed in a way that met federally-established safety standards (see photo at left).

Submitted by Spencer Straight (03-11-08)