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  Gay Friendships Declared Unconstitutional By Court

The Honorable William R. Blunt (left), Judge for the US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, including Jefferson and Greene County, ruled Monday that all homosexual friendships are illegal and not protected by the constitution. The judgment was sought by a group of churches in Greene County in the defense of area parents who apparently feel threatened by these unions. In his ruling, Judge Blunt stated that "It is offensive to the majority of citizens to have to recognize a relationship they consider sinful. The legal system in the United States evolved out of laws contained in the Bible."

Judge Blunt went on to state that "Allowing gay friendships simply increases the number of non-serious friendships. In America, we consider friendships to be sacred bonds." In part, the ruling declares that allowing homosexual friendships weakens traditional values, and leads ultimately to an equally unconstitutional demand for gay marriages. Heterosexual friendships have traditionally formed the building blocks for modern society, and the main reason that our culture has begun to crumble is due to the weakening or eroding of our traditional values.

Judge Blunt also hinted that allowing gay friendships could provide a slippery slope whereby people could simply declare anything to be their friend. Although gay activists claim that relationships like these don't hurt anyone, they could start a chain reaction that would destroy the whole idea of friendship. Blunt stated that "unless we develop some firm definition of what friendship is, the options are endless. All it takes is a few activist judges to open the door."

Attorneys for the church groups had argued that the gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, as research shows that it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems. 

 Rick Bland, 06-19-2011